Differences between metals and non metals

          Metals and non metals

 Elements-Asubstancethat can not broken down into simpler substances in chemical reaction.

Elements can be classified  in two parts based on their properties.

2.non metals


On the periodic table,   By a zig-zag line metals are separated from nonmetals    stepping through carbon, phosphorus, selenium, iodine, and radon. Nonmetal is a part of element that is right to the metal.Element just to the left of the line may be termed metalloids or semimetals and have properties intermediate between those of the metals and nonmetals. 

      According to periodic table there are various kinds of metals.

1. Alkaline metals
2.Alkalineearth metals
3. Transition metals
4. Lanthanides

Non metals

The non metals are those that do not look like metals and it's properties are different from metals. According to the periodic table ,In periodic table non metals are very less as compared to metals and it's position is on the right side of the periodic table.
4. oxygen

Chemical Properties


*Metals corrode easily and fast.

*Usually,  In their outer most  shell have 1-3 electrons.

*Easily they can Lose their valence electrons.

*They form basic oxides in nature.

*Are good reducing agents.

*Have lower electronegativities.

Non metals

*Usually ,In their outer shell have 4-8 electrons.

*Easily they can Gain or share valence electrons .

*It usually Form  acidic oxides in nature.

*Are good oxidizing agents.

*Have higher electronegativities.

Physical properties


*It has high density.

 *Metal is a good conductor of heat and electricity.

*It is a Malleable  can be beaten into thin sheets.

*It is a Ductile can be stretched into wire.

*Possess metallic luster.

*Opaque as thin sheet.

*It is Solid at room temperature (except Hg).

Non metals

*It is Poor conductors of heat and electricity.

*Brittle - if a solid.

*It is Nonductile.

*Do not have metallic luster.

*Transparent as a thin sheet.

*Solids, liquids or gases at room temperature.


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